Forskning om grammatikdidaktik

Här lägger vi in referenser till forskningsartiklar som rör sig om grammatikdidaktik, särskilt med inriktning på modersmålsundervisning.

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Myhill, D. (2005). Ways of knowing: Writing with grammar in mind. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 4(3), 77–96.

Myhill, D. (2011). The ordeal of deliberate choice: Metalinguistic development in secondary writers. In V. Berninger (Ed.) Past, present, and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology (pp. 247–274). Psychology Press.

Myhill, D. (2018). Grammar as a meaning-making resource for improving writing. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, 1–21.

Myhill, D. (2019). Linguistic choice as empowerment: Teaching rhetorical decision-making in writing. Utbildning & Demokrati – Tidskrift för Didaktik och Utbildningspolitk, 28(2), 55–75.
https://doi. org/10.48059/uod.v28i2.1121

Myhill, D., Jones, S., & Wilson, A. (2016). Writing conversations: Fostering metalinguistic discussion about writing. Research Papers in Education, 31(1), 23–44.

Myhill, D. A., Jones, S. M., Lines, H., & Watson, A. (2012). Re-thinking grammar: The impact of embedded grammar teaching on students’ writing and students’ metalinguistic understanding. Research Papers in Education, 27(2), 139–166.


Van Rijt, J., and P.-A. Coppen. 2017. “Bridging the Gap between Linguistic Theory and L1 Grammar Education — Experts’ Views on Essential Linguistic Concepts.” Language Awareness 26 (4): 360– 380. doi:10.1080/09658416.2017.1410552.

Van Rijt, J., P. De Swart, and P.-A. Coppen. 2019. “Linguistic Concepts in L1 Grammar Education: A Systematic Literature Review.” Research Papers in Education 34 (5): 621–648. doi:10.1080/0267 1522.2018.1493742.

Van Rijt, J., P. De Swart, A. Wijnands, and P.-A. Coppen. 2019. “When Students Tackle Grammatical Problems: Exploring Linguistic Reasoning with Linguistic Metaconcepts in L1 Grammar Education.” Linguistics and Education 52: 78–88. doi:10.1016/j.linged.2019.06.004.

Van Rijt, J., A. Wijnands, and P.-A. Coppen. 2019. “Dutch Teachers’ Beliefs on Linguistic Concepts and Reflective Judgement in Grammar Teaching.” L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature 19: 1–28.. doi:10.17239/L1ESLL-2019.19.02.03.


Watson, A. M. (2015a). Conceptualisations of ‘grammar teaching’: L1 English teachers’ beliefs about teaching grammar for writing. Language Awareness, 24(1), 1–14.

Watson, A. (2015b). The problem of grammar teaching: A case study of the relationship between a teacher’s beliefs and pedagogical practice. Language and Education, 29(4), 332–346.

Watson, A. M., & Newman, R. M. C. (2017). Talking grammatically: L1 adolescent metalinguistic reflection on writing. Language Awareness, 26(4), 381–398.

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